Please Signup
IMPORTANT: After registering below, kindly check your email to confirm your account and you can start enrolling for courses instantly. No more need to get admin to manually approve your account. Meanwhile, if get stucked or need support enrolling for any course FREE, kindly join our discord here dPU Official Discord to request support and also network with other dPU students after successful registeration below.
when registering to avoid issues, ensure your username is only lowercase and not uppercase and should not have spaces or special characters
    Strength: Very Weak
    Affiliate Section
    kindly input the username of your referrer to ensure we reward the right person incase auto referral not credit them. If not refered by someone put referrer platform like Youtube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google that you saw this platform link on
    NOTE: After successful signup. Kindly check your mail for guide to activate your account successfully and start accessing our free courses.