Bitcoin Blockchain: The Origin and Evolution of the First Cryptocurrency


Welcome to a comprehensive exploration of Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency that sparked the blockchain revolution.

This lesson, designed for beginners, delves into the origins, mechanisms, and profound impact of Bitcoin on the digital world.

Remember, watching the lesson video will offer a deeper understanding of this topic.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

  1. Understand the historical background and creation of Bitcoin.
  2. Grasp the concept of Bitcoin’s transaction mechanism, including UTXO.
  3. Recognize the unique aspects of Bitcoin’s SHA-256 algorithm and its role in cryptographic security.
  4. Acknowledge the mysterious identity of Bitcoin’s founder, Satoshi Nakamoto.
  5. Comprehend Bitcoin’s influence on subsequent blockchain technologies.

Lesson Video:

The Genesis of Bitcoin:

Bitcoin, conceptualized and launched in 2009 by an unknown person or group under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, represents the first implementation of a cryptocurrency.

It introduced the idea of a decentralized digital currency known as cryptocurrency, free from central authority control.

Bitcoin’s Transaction Mechanism:

Bitcoin operates on a unique transaction model known as the Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO).

Unlike account-based models like Ethereum, UTXO tracks individual transaction outputs, ensuring transparency and security in Bitcoin’s ledger.

Bitcoin’s transaction model is fundamentally different from what you might be familiar with in traditional banking or even other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum. It uses a system called Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXO). To understand this, let us compare it with a more familiar concept.

Imagine you have a wallet with various banknotes of different denominations. Each time you make a transaction, you use some of these banknotes. The remaining banknotes are your “unspent” funds. In Bitcoin’s UTXO model, each transaction output is like a banknote. When you receive Bitcoin, you receive a certain number of these ‘digital banknotes’ (UTXOs). Each UTXO represents a certain amount of Bitcoin that you can spend.

When you make a transaction in Bitcoin, you essentially tell the network, “I want to use these specific UTXOs (like selecting specific banknotes from your wallet) to send Bitcoin to someone.” The Bitcoin network then checks if these UTXOs have not been spent before and if they belong to you. If all checks out, the transaction is processed. The UTXOs you used are now considered ‘spent,’ and the receiver gets new UTXOs in their wallet. The ‘change’ from the transaction, if any, comes back to you as new UTXOs, just like getting change back in a cash transaction.

This UTXO model ensures a high level of security and transparency in Bitcoin transactions. Each UTXO is unique and can be traced back to its origin, making the entire transaction history of Bitcoin open and verifiable.

The SHA-256 Algorithm:

Bitcoin employs the SHA-256 cryptographic algorithm for hashing.

This algorithm is vital for mining processes, creating a secure and immutable ledger. SHA-256’s complexity ensures the robustness of Bitcoin’s network against attacks.

SHA-256 stands for Secure Hash Algorithm 256-bit, and it’s a core component of Bitcoin’s architecture, especially in the mining process. A hash algorithm is like a unique digital fingerprint for data. SHA-256 takes input (like transaction data) and produces a fixed-length (256-bit) string that appears random but is consistent for the same input.

Here’s a simple way to understand SHA-256 Algorithm:

Imagine you have a magic machine. Whenever you feed a book into this machine, it gives you a unique code. If you put the same book in, you get the exact same code again. But if you change even a tiny part of the book, the code changes drastically. SHA-256 works similarly for Bitcoin’s transaction data.

In Bitcoin mining, miners take a group of transactions and apply SHA-256 to generate a hash. The catch is, they need to find a hash that meets certain criteria (like starting with a specific number of zeros). This is known as ‘proof of work’. Miners keep changing a small part of the data (called the nonce) and rehashing until they find a valid hash. The first miner to find it gets to add a new block of transactions to the Bitcoin blockchain and is rewarded with Bitcoins.

The SHA-256 algorithm ensures the security and integrity of Bitcoin transactions. It’s computationally infeasible to reverse-engineer the hash back to the original data, making Bitcoin transactions secure. Additionally, any change in transaction data would result in a completely different hash, making it evident if someone tries to tamper with the transactions.

Satoshi Nakamoto:

The true identity of Bitcoin’s creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, remains one of the greatest mysteries in the cryptocurrency world.

Nakamoto’s vision and initial writings laid the groundwork for decentralized finance (DeFi), Blockchain and web3.

Bitcoin’s Impact on Blockchain Technology:

Bitcoin’s launch not only introduced cryptocurrency but also the underlying blockchain technology.

Its success inspired the creation of numerous other cryptocurrencies and blockchain platforms, shaping the modern digital economy.


Bitcoin’s inception marks a pivotal moment in digital history, introducing the world to the possibilities of decentralized finance and blockchain technology.

By combining the UTXO model and the SHA-256 algorithm, Bitcoin creates a secure, transparent, and decentralized system for digital transactions, setting the foundation for the blockchain technology we see today.

Understanding Bitcoin’s foundational principles, unique transaction model (UTXO), and cryptographic security mechanisms is crucial for anyone entering the realm of Web3 development.


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Collapse Comments

Sir, thanks for this knowledge 🙏,have been trying to wrap my head around SHA 256, but you made it, even a 5 year old kid can understand, concerning SHA 256, if it gets tampered with, just like you said and the perpetrator has been pernalized,
Who then corrects it or will it remain like that.

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) January 31, 2024 at 10:48 pm

You can’t tamper with it hash output, its a one-way generation.

If you use SHA256 to code a word for example and give the hash result to someone, if they show you another hash later pretending it is your original hash.

You simply use your original word to regenerate the correct hash and prove the hash the person is showing isn’t the original or correct one. even if the person knows the word you used to generate the hash via SHA256, when they try it, it will generate the same hash you have and they can’t force it to generate another hash with the same word – nope the same word will always generate same hash when passed through SHA256 algorithm!

Meanwhile, am glad the content is helpful. Really trying my best to simplify this complex things as much as I can.

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