dApps Decoded: Unpacking Decentralized Applications


Welcome to the world of decentralized applications (dApps), a key component of the Web3 landscape.

This lesson is designed for beginners, offering insights into what dApps are, how they differ from traditional applications, and their unique architecture and challenges.

Remember, watching the lesson video will offer a deeper understanding of this topic.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

  1. Define what a decentralized application (dApp) is and how it differs from conventional apps.
  2. Understand the architecture of dApps, including frontend, middleware, and backend components.
  3. Learn about the challenges and limitations of dApps and the solutions being developed.
  4. Explore multi-chain dApp building platforms and their significance.

Lesson Video:

Understanding dApps:

A decentralized application (dApp) is an application that runs on a decentralized network, typically a blockchain.

Unlike traditional applications (apps) that run on centralized servers, dApps operate on a peer-to-peer network, offering enhanced security, transparency, and resistance to censorship.

Comparison Table: App vs. dApp:

Lets do a quick summary comparism between App and dApp.

AspectApp (Traditional Application)dApp (Decentralized Application)
HostingCentralized serversDecentralized blockchain network
ControlOwned and controlled by an entityDistributed control among users
Data HandlingCentralized data storageData stored on the blockchain
TransparencyOften closed-sourceTypically open-source and transparent
CensorshipSusceptible to censorshipResistant to censorship

dApp Architecture:


The user interface of a dApp, similar to traditional apps, is created with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or frameworks like React.


Libraries like Web3.js or Ethers.js act as a bridge between the frontend and the blockchain, facilitating communication.


Unlike traditional apps, the backend of a dApp is a smart contract (referred to as a “program” in blockchains like Solana) deployed on the blockchain, which executes business logic and handles data storage.

Challenges and Limitations of dApps:

  • Scalability: Handling high transaction volumes can be challenging for blockchains. Thus, the dApp built on it may not be able to handle millions of daily transactions without issues like a spike in transaction/gas fees when compared to a lot of Web2 Apps already handling huge millions of users daily conveniently.
  • Interoperability: Difficulty in building dApps that work seamlessly across multiple blockchains.
  • User Experience: Often less intuitive than traditional apps, posing a barrier to mainstream adoption.

Solutions and Multi-Chain Platforms:

  • Layer 2 Solutions: Platforms like Polygon provide scalability solutions for dApps facing issues on Ethereum. Solana speed doesn’t need to use L2.
  • Cross-Chain Bridges: Tools like Wormhole facilitate interoperability between different blockchains, enabling multi-chain dApps.
  • Developer-Friendly Tools: Continuous development of more intuitive tools and frameworks to improve the user experience.

Exploring the Developer Ecosystem:

The dApp ecosystem offers unique opportunities for developers, including access to a wide range of blockchains, each with its own advantages and community.

Platforms like Ethereum and Solana provide robust environments for dApp development, with support for various programming languages and extensive developer tools.


dApps represent a paradigm shift in application development, offering decentralized, transparent, and secure solutions. Understanding the architecture, challenges, and evolving landscape of dApps is essential for any aspiring Web3 developer.

The field of dApps is dynamic, continually evolving with new technologies and platforms, presenting endless opportunities for innovation.


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User Avatar Charles Magloire Ilboudo January 9, 2024 at 11:02 am

Hello sir please can i have a web3 search browser?

Why is solana fast, that it doesn’t even need an L2 compared to eth.

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) February 4, 2024 at 5:56 am

I won’t answer the WHY because have already explained in the previous lessons but let me give you the following real-life live experience scenario for further clarity and then leave it for you to decide clearly why Solana is fast and does not require L2 like ETH – the summary of it is:

Imagine a highway:
Ethereum is like a single-lane road where each car (transaction) waits its turn.

Solana, on the other hand, is like a multi-lane highway, where numerous cars move simultaneously, drastically cutting down travel time.

For more details, I have added a section called “Why Solana Blockchain Does Not Have L2 & Still Faster Than Ethereum Blockchain?” in previous lesson with more detailed explanation at https://dprogramminguniversity.com/freecourses/ai-enhanced-web3-blockchain-development-101-course/freelessons/solana-ecosystem-the-high-speed-low-fees-blockchain-network/

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