Solang Solidity for Solana: Adapting Solidity for Non-EVM Blockchains


Welcome to an explorative session on Solang Solidity and its adaptation to the Solana ecosystem.

This lesson aims to familiarize you with the integration of Solidity, a leading smart contract language, into non-EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) blockchains, specifically focusing on Solana.

Remember, watching the lesson video will offer a deeper understanding of this topic.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

  1. Understand the adaptation of Solidity for Solana using Solang.
  2. Recognize the opportunities for Solidity developers in the Solana ecosystem.
  3. Identify the challenges in porting Solidity code to Solana and how to overcome them.
  4. Explore the landscape of Solang Solidity development tools for Solana.

Lesson Video:

Solang Solidity on Solana:

Solang is a Solidity compiler targeting various blockchains, including Solana. While Solidity is synonymous with Ethereum, Solang opens the door for Solidity developers to venture into the Solana ecosystem.

It translates Solidity code into a format compatible with non-EVM blockchains, maintaining the core principles of Solidity while adapting to different blockchain architectures.

Opportunities for Solidity Developers in Solana:

The integration of Solidity into Solana through Solang presents significant opportunities. Solidity developers can now leverage their existing skills to develop dApps and smart contracts (referred to as ‘programs’ in Solana) on Solana’s high-speed, low-cost blockchain network.

This expansion broadens the scope of projects and applications that Solidity developers can engage in.

Challenges of Adapting Solidity to Solana:

  1. Code Adaptation: Directly porting Ethereum Solidity code to Solana isn’t straightforward. Solana’s unique blockchain architecture necessitates rewriting and adapting parts of the Solidity code.
  2. Learning Curve: Developers must familiarize themselves with the nuances of Solana’s blockchain, including its consensus mechanism and operational model.

Overcoming the Challenges:

  1. Understanding Solana’s Architecture: Gaining insights into Solana’s infrastructure, including its consensus mechanism (Proof of History combined with Proof of Stake) and account model, is crucial.
  2. Using Solang Effectively: Developers should leverage Solang to understand the limitations and differences when writing Solidity code for Solana.

Development Tools for Solang Solidity on Solana:

  • Solang Compiler: The primary tool for compiling Solidity code for the Solana blockchain.
  • Anchor Framework: Though primarily for Rust, it can provide insights into Solana’s program structure for Solidity developers.
  • Solana Tool Suite: Tools like Solana CLI and various libraries are essential for testing and deploying programs on Solana.


Solang Solidity for Solana represents a significant advancement in blockchain development, bridging the gap between Ethereum and non-EVM blockchains like Solana.

This adaptation offers Solidity developers a new avenue to explore, with the challenge of adapting to Solana’s unique environment.


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User Avatar Adeyanju Adelowokan January 13, 2024 at 12:43 pm

Good day Sir. Should we go on to take the Solange solidity course now or wait till after the bootcamp considering the fact that some of us have zero knowledge on programming?

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) January 13, 2024 at 1:09 pm

Kindly finish this course and am working on the continuation course to follow. If those are not launched yet and you have finished this course, then you can enrol for the Solang solidity course pending when those will be available.
So, stay tuned to Discord announcements and the dPU email newsletter.

User Avatar Adeyanju Adelowokan January 14, 2024 at 10:50 pm

Okay Sir. Thank You Sir.

User Avatar Abdulkareem Abdulsalam January 13, 2024 at 2:49 pm

Good day sir. I have taken the quiz on this lesson but i cannot proceed to the next. It isn’t marked as completed yet. Is there something i’m not doing correctly or is it a technical issue?

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) January 13, 2024 at 3:37 pm

Yeah, considering other students have taken this course and are able to move past it. it could be an issue from your end and one of them is if you max out the number of quiz attempts without getting it correctly.

Kindly send me a screenshot of the error for me to check.

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