Spotlight Project For AI-Enhanced Web3/Blockchain Development 101 Course

Kindly follow the instructions below step by step to submit the project for this course (do not skip any step or copy other students’ content word-for-word or you will be disqualified from getting certification for this course):

(1) Star this repo – Course Repo

(2) Then Fork the repo to your GitHub account

(3) Clone the forked repo from your Github account to your PC

(4) Create a new branch in your name as it will appear on your certificate and switch to the new branch

(5) Answer the questions which are to give a summary of what you learnt from each section of this course lessons (Sections 1 to 9)
Note: Not more than 1-2 paragraph summary each – don’t write articles😜😎)

(6) Before you Stage, commit and push to GitHub, run this git command:

git remote -v

Then also run

git status

The above will output the URL of your cloned repo and also the branch you are on.
Screenshot it (the whole VSCode/Code editor and the terminal with the URL output must be captured – see an example of how to capture below) and add the images as part of the questions to answer in the repo (this proves that you did this yourself and not just copy-paste other students).

github remote url and git status images dProgramming University

It means the URL of the remote URL in your screenshot must match your Github repo for this project (making it harder to fake submissions – fake submissions will be disqualified – laziness isn’t going to make you a successful developer even with AI tools at your disposal).

(7) Stage the changes when done and add a commit message (copy-paste the below message and ensure you change only the YOUR NAME part to your name as it will appear on the certificate which must be the same as the new git branch name):

"I YOUR NAME, completed my project for AI-Enhance Web3/Blockchain Development 101 Course" at dProgramming University (dPU) to qualify for a certificate of completion" 

(8) Push your new branch to your forked GitHub repo.

(9) Then, go to GitHub to open a PR and merge it to the main branch of your own forked repo not to the official dPU repo.
WARNING: Please don’t push PR to the official dPU repo you forked from. Instead, push the PR to the main branch of your forked repo to update it. Each student forked repo is their project, so I will NOT accept/approve PR to change the main dPU repo other students will fork from.

(10) Tweet about your project completion using the message below (after you have completed all the above steps) – copy and paste to your X(Twitter) and ensure you change YOUR NAME to the name that will be on the certificate (same as the new git branch you created earlier).

I YOUR NAME, completed my project for "AI-Enhanced Web3/Blockchain Development 101 Course" by @SolomonFoskaay 
At dProgramming University (dPU) to qualify for a Certificate of Completion as part of #dPUFreeWeb3Bootcamp ;

(11) Then post in the comment below the following message:

I YOUR NAME, completed my project for "AI-Enhanced Web3/Blockchain Development 101 Course" and here are my details for cross-check:
EXPERIENCE: Summary what you learn doing this practical real course project - the challenges and how you solved it (2 line summary maximum - no article writing)

(12) Result: Await response from the course author and if you passed you will be guided on how to claim your certificate. If not, you will be asked to redo it. To avoid that, ensure you follow the instructions thoroughly and step by step without jumping or skipping any of them.


To get certification for this course you need to successfully complete this project and get it approved.


If you need help with this lesson, questions, suggestions and improvement. The best way to get help is to use the comment below:
1. First check existing comments if your questions have been answered before posting.
2. If no existing related question with an answer, then you can post a new one (kindly avoid duplicating previously asked and answered questions).

NOTE: This is the most recommended way of getting support directly from the instructor of this course. Posting on other platforms like Discord may get support from other community members and not from the course instructor directly.

Images|Videos|Links: To support your question with a screenshot, Github repo link or other media, kindly upload it somewhere online like Drive/Dropbox or Github (for codes) first, then post the link to it in your comment. Please do not upload media/codes directly, it may fail or cause your comment to be deleted.

Please ONLY post questions that are specific to this lesson not the entire course to ensure others can find it helpful. Each lesson allows comments relating to it ONLY. Off-lesson questions will be deleted even if they relate to this course as a whole but as long as they are not specific to this lesson, they are not allowed.

Collapse Comments

I Echendu Joshua, completed my project for “AI-Enhanced Web3/Blockchain Development 101 Course” and here are my details for cross-check:
project – the challenges and how you solved it (None)

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) January 22, 2024 at 2:18 pm

Job well done.
Just 3 things to adjust:

(1) You did not also do number 6 above. You didn’t replace my example screenshot with your actual screenshot.
See it this way, any other student can come here and copy your content and use it word-for-word without following the instructions BUT it is never possible for them to have the same screenshot that shows their VScode and terminal for the project on their PC as yours which will be a red flag and disqualify such student submission.

(2) You did not do numbers 8,

(3) And number 9 of the requirement.
kindly check the lesson project above again on merging the branch to your main branch via a PR to complete No 8 & 9.

NOTE: Once all the above is completed. Please don’t resubmit or retweet anything (you already did all that). Instead, just reply to this message for me to re-check for approval.

Thanks for the feedback.
Please kindly check and review the changes i made

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) January 23, 2024 at 12:15 pm

Checked but those above are still not fixed.

(1) You replaced the screenshot (cool). I checked the screenshot itself, it is okay but you did not link to it correctly in the README (so it is broken and not displaying) – FIX THIS.

(2) You have done No 8 by pushing your newly created branch to your forked GitHub repo

(3) You created a PR but to the dPU official repo which I have close twice now. You should click on the option and select your main branch to push the PR too, then approve it instantly yourself, so it updates your project repo main branch.
Kindly read the No 9 instructions again.

Well done.

Thanks once again for the feedback. Please check this time for the corrections
Thank you

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) January 23, 2024 at 3:09 pm

Congrats, Your project is checked and approved!
You will have access to claim your certificate once ready (for now all certification might be after we conclude the 100 days Bootcamp).

Meanwhile, since you have passed this project, I have manually added you to the next course, the AI-enhanced Web3 Frontend Development Course before it becomes open for enrolment to everyone in 2-3weeks time –

Thank you sir.

I Ganiu Ibrahim, completed my project for “AI-Enhanced Web3/Blockchain Development 101 Course” and here are my details for cross-check:



EXPERIENCE: add a git of challenge with git, especially when pushing. all in all it was fun, glad I was able to complete it.

I was banned from the discord channel, I never knew this was where to post in the first place, kindly unban me to have access again. thank you. all tasks completed.

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) January 23, 2024 at 2:00 pm

You are doing great – Well done.

Just need to fix the issues below before the project can be approved:

(1) Done and Approved
(2) Done and Approved
(3) Done and Approved
(4) Fix this
You did not create a new branch before making any changes – this is a good practice as a developer to contribute to repositories.

(5) Fix This
You did not answer all the questions. you only did about 1 to 3 of it. Kindly ensure all responses are filled.
Also, in the file, you should replace the link to my own screenshot with your own screenshot you took in number 6 below.

(6) Done and Approved
You did the screenshot as expected when I checked it here

(7) Fix This
(8) Fix This
(9) Fix This
(10) Done and Approved
(11) Done and Approved

NOTE: Kindly fix all the above 5 uncompleted parts of the project requirement I labelled as “Fix This” above and resubmit for check and approval.
Once all the above is completed. Please don’t resubmit or retweet anything (you already did all that). Instead, just reply to this message for me to re-check for approval.

UNRELATED: From your above screenshot, I noticed you are using Windows OS. I recommend you addup Linux and switch to it moving forward for web3 development task (you can continue to us Windows for your other daily tasks as usual). Not mandatory,its totally optional but it will save you stress and headache later as you progress to future web3 development courses because most of the development tools will either be a bit complicated to work with or not compactible at all with Windows OS.

Discord: I have now unbanned you!

I have done numbers; 4, 7, and 8 before now, you can check the images on the repo, I have the screenshots there. I have updated 5 and 9 also kindly check. Thank you

Also, I’ll need help setting up the Linux OS, if there is any other material/resources to refer me to, please share. I have read everything about it during the course but still need it. Meanwhile, I still don’t have access to the Discord channel.

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) January 23, 2024 at 4:05 pm

Well done.

You still need to fix the issues below before the project can be approved:
Kindly watch the intro to GitHub lesson videos (has 2 videos) in detail, all steps were done there and I expect that’s enough to make it easier to do

(1) Done and Approved
(2) Done and Approved
(3) Done and Approved
(4) Done and Approved
(5) Fix This
You did not answer all the questions yet. you only did about 1 to 3 of it which I added as the sample in the dPU repo you forked from.
Kindly ensure all responses are answered based on our experience with this course’s lessons.

Also, in the file, you should replace the link to my own screenshot with your own screenshot you took in number 6 below. You have the screenshot in the “images” folder, but you need to use it to replace my own screenshot in the README file. Check and you see that it is my screenshot that is still been displayed in the

(6) Done and Approved
You did the screenshot as expected when I checked it here

(7) Fix This
Since you need to make adjustments, you need to redo this for your final commit message

(8) Done and Approved
(9) Fix This
Watch the recommended Git/Github lesson I sent above to guide on PR. When creating the PR, click where it shows you the dPU official repo and below t select the “main” branch of your repo instead, push the PR to it and approve it instantly. Do not push PR to the dPU official repo you forked for this project.

(10) Done and Approved
(11) Done and Approved

NOTE: Kindly fix all the above with the “Fix This” label. Please don’t resubmit or retweet anything (you already did all that). Instead, just reply to this message for me to re-check for approval.

UNRELATED: Kindly check on YouTube for guidance or laptop engineers around you if can’t do it yourself. I have done a video on it but couldn’t finish it due to the courses am working on. I can’t say if will be able to complete it because it is off my content priority list for now/in the near future.

Discord: I have now unbanned you! But if still unable to access it, then try rejoin via ;

I believe I have fixed all. please check

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) January 24, 2024 at 9:51 am

Well done.

Only one more thing to fix before the project can be approved:

(1) Done and Approved
(2) Done and Approved
(3) Done and Approved
(4) Done and Approved
(5) Done and Approved
(6) Done and Approved
(7) Done and Approved
(8) Done and Approved
(9) Fix This
You got the PR but when creating the PR, it usually shows you pushing to the dPU official repo you forked from, click on it and it will drop down a list of where you can push the PR to, below it you will see the “main” branch of your own repo. Select that and push the PR to it.
It will immediately give you the option to merge it. Merge it and check your main branch, it would have been updated with the merged branch content. This is the only thing missing.

I have closed the PR you pushed to dPU official repo you forked from which I have said clearly not to push PR to it. Push PR to your own main branch, not the dPU repo you forked.

If get this fixed, then you will be approved.

(10) Done and Approved
(11) Done and Approved

NOTE: Kindly fix all the above with the “Fix This” label. Please don’t resubmit or retweet anything (you already did all that). Instead, just reply to this message for me to re-check for approval.

Discord: I noticed you are not fully back inside the dPU official Discord server. Great!

I have done the last tasks too, number 9 please check

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) January 24, 2024 at 10:41 am

Congrats, Your project is checked and approved!

You will have access to claim your certificate once ready (for now all certification might be after we conclude the 100 days Bootcamp).

Meanwhile, since you have passed this project, I have manually added you to the next course, the AI-enhanced Web3 Frontend Development Course before it becomes open for enrolment to everyone in 2-3weeks time –

Thank you for your effort 🙂

I Tolu Akinyele, completed my project for “AI-Enhanced Web3/Blockchain Development 101 Course” and here are my details for cross-check:
EXPERIENCE: Well I learnt how to apply the various git commands studied so far and also how to contribute to Open Source Projects.
CHALLENGES: Major challenge was credential authentication when I tried to set an upsteam branch, each time i tried, i always got the unable to access… error message and finally was able to authenticate with Git credential Manager after severals hours of troubleshooting.

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) January 24, 2024 at 8:13 pm

Congrats, Your project is checked and approved!

You will have access to claim your certificate once ready (for now all certification might be after we conclude the 100 days Bootcamp).

Meanwhile, since you have passed this project, I have manually added you to the next course, the AI-enhanced Web3 Frontend Development Course before it becomes open for enrolment to everyone in 2-3weeks time –

Thank you Sir!🙏

User Avatar Charles Magloire Ilboudo February 1, 2024 at 10:05 am

ILBOUDO S Charles Magloire, completed my project for “AI-Enhanced Web3/Blockchain Development 101 Course” by
@SolomonFoskaay At dProgramming University (dPU) to qualify for a Certificate of Completion as part of #dPUFreeWeb3Bootcamp and here are my details for cross-check:
Twitter x :

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) February 1, 2024 at 9:30 pm

Weldone but one last thing to do for approval.

Step (9) above is missing. Kindly read through it again.
You should push your PR to your own main branch of your project (your forked repo) and not push it to the official dPU repo you forked from. The PR you sent there has been closed.

Also, the long comment should be in the body of your PR while you summarize the title, what you used for the PR as the title is too long and may make your PR look unprofessional.

NOTE: Kindly fix step 9. Please don’t resubmit or retweet anything (you already did all that). Instead, just reply to this message for me to re-check for approval.

User Avatar Abdulkareem Abdulsalam February 5, 2024 at 12:07 am

I ABDULSALAM ABDULKAREEM, completed my project for “AI-Enhanced Web3/Blockchain Development 101 Course” and here are my details for cross-check:

EXPERIENCE: I learnt about how to use Git and github. Being able to remotely add changes to my work to the online repo was an exciting experience.

CHALLENGES: I faced no major challenges in completing this project as the course material was adequate enough to guide me on every step.
I noticed my github link on the first comment was invalid so i made the changes in this new comment so as to avoid the need for you to address that sir.

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) February 5, 2024 at 11:45 am

Congrats, Your project is checked and approved!

You will have access to claim your certificate once ready (for now all certification might be after we conclude the 100 days Bootcamp).

Meanwhile, since you have passed this project, I have manually added you to the next course, the AI-enhanced Web3 Frontend Development Course before it becomes open for enrolment to everyone in 2-3weeks time –

User Avatar Abdulkareem Abdulsalam February 5, 2024 at 2:46 pm

Thank you sir. Looking forward to completing it.

User Avatar Akinola Mesogboriwon February 7, 2024 at 9:33 am

I AKINOLA MESOGBORIWON, completed my project for “AI-Enhanced Web3/Blockchain Development 101 Course” and here are my details for cross-check:



I learnt the essence of github in this project. I cloned my online repository into my local. Edit the file, created Branch then update the upstream. Git add all, git commit and git push. I PR into the forked Main.
Later I noticed my screenshot image doesn’t update due to not Saving the Readme file.
I had to create another branch to update it.

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) February 7, 2024 at 11:13 am

Congrats, Your project is checked and approved!

You will have access to claim your certificate once ready (for now all certification might be after we conclude the 100 days Bootcamp).

Meanwhile, since you have passed this project, I have manually added you to the next course, the AI-enhanced Web3 Frontend Development Course before it becomes open for enrolment to everyone in 2-3weeks time –

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) February 7, 2024 at 11:28 am

Your project has not been approved yet.
Kindly go through the all steps above again to ensure none is missing like the tweeting part (where the link to your tweet).

You also made PR to the dPU repo which I said would not be approved, so have closed it (make PR to the main branch of your project repo not to dPU repo).

When all done, then reply with details to this response

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) February 7, 2024 at 12:25 pm

Congrats, Your project is checked and approved!

You will have access to claim your certificate once ready (for now all certification might be after we conclude the 100 days Bootcamp).

Meanwhile, since you have passed this project, I have manually added you to the next course, the AI-enhanced Web3 Frontend Development Course before it becomes open for enrolment to everyone in 2-3weeks time –

I observed you are using Windows OS. I suggest you consider having Linux Ubuntu for your web3 development to avoid incompatibility issues later down the line.

User Avatar James Ufuoma Sorogheye February 7, 2024 at 12:29 pm

My system has BIOS issue so I can’t use linux terminal. I tried installing it many a times but not working. I noticed the system virtualization is disable and BIOS has password. So I can’t login into BIOS to enable virtualization. It is an HP system.

User Avatar James Ufuoma Sorogheye February 7, 2024 at 12:32 pm

Please can you help out on this

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) February 7, 2024 at 12:39 pm

Nope, I don’t offer hardware support.
Kindly talk to a Laptop engineer about it.

I OLUKOSI ISMAILA BAMIDELE, completed my project for “AI-Enhanced Web3/Blockchain Development 101 Course” and here are my details for cross-check:
EXPERIENCE: I learnt practical experience on how to contribute to open source. I made a mistake requesting pull to the dpu main branch but I recreated another branch then corrected my mistake.

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) February 9, 2024 at 8:15 am

Congrats, Your project is checked and approved!

You will have access to claim your certificate once ready (for now all certification might be after we conclude the 100 days Bootcamp).

You can proceed to the next course in the Bootcamp curriculum

I Nicholas Chukwu, completed my project for “AI-Enhanced Web3/Blockchain Development 101 Course” and here are my details for cross-check:
EXPERIENCE: I learnt using git/gitHub, it was very difficult initially but I was able to to find my way around it.

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) February 12, 2024 at 8:25 pm

Weldone but not approved yet.

You have everything done well but the screenshot is not convincing enough to back your work because it is easier for some students to copy other students’ texts unnoticed but they can’t copy the screenshot without being detected during the project review.

Kindly open the project on your PC, then use the two commands stated in (6) above. Then retake the screenshot to display the result of both commands on your terminal within your VSCode project. This will output the URL of the repo you clone and working on and it must match the Github repo you submitted above as your project. If not it will not be approved.

Secondly, you did not add the link to your project in your Tweet. Kindly do a new tweet.

NOTE: Other things are okay, just the screenshot and the tweet (so people can check your work via the tweet).
So, once fixed, just send a reply to this message for me to check. Don’t start a new comment outside this.

Good Morning Sir. I have made the correction.

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) February 13, 2024 at 4:52 pm

Yeah I checked your new Tweet here:

And the repo screenshot is now okay.

Project was checked and Approved.


Thank you Sir

I ADELOWOKAN ADEYANJU, completed my project for “AI-Enhanced Web3/Blockchain Development 101 Course” and here are my details for cross-check:


EXPERIENCE: I learnt how to contribute to an open source repo on github. One of the challenges I had was a ‘syntax error’ I got while trying to commit, there was another ” in the middle of the sentence which was then removed and the commit was successful. Thank You Sir.

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) March 1, 2024 at 7:50 pm

Project was checked and Approved.

User Avatar Adeyanju Adelowokan March 1, 2024 at 11:31 pm

Thank You Sir.

I Ezeuzor Chukwudi, completed my project for “AI-Enhanced Web3/Blockchain Development 101 Course” and here are my details for cross-check:
EXPERIENCE: Though for me, it was not a difficult task just had issue trying to commit the message. i was getting syntax error message because i did not escape the bracket and i consulted chatgpt.

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) March 20, 2024 at 8:41 am

Checked but not approved yet.
Kindly check the step 9 above (you pushed PR to the dPU official repo – no, when doing PR, click the dPU official repo and you see a dropdown to select “main” branch of your own forked repo. that’s where you push to for approval.
Also ensure you have updated the screenshot to be your own screenshot not mine.

I DAVID UCHE, completed my project for “AI-Enhanced Web3/Blockchain Development 101 Course” and here are my details for cross-check:
EXPERIENCE: Summary what you learn doing this practical real course project – the challenges and how you solved it (2 line summary maximum – no article writing) I learnt how to use Github to contribute to open source. One of the challenges I faced was how to ensure that the code in my local machine is in sync with the one in my git repo. I solved this by going back to watch the video over and over again

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) September 6, 2024 at 10:55 am

Project was checked and Approved.

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