Finding and Applying for RFPs on Superteam


In this lesson, let’s delve into Request for Proposals (RFPs) on the Superteam platform.

I will share insights based on my experience and official information from Superteam on how RFPs work and why they are a beneficial starting point for beginners. And also how to apply successfully.

Remember, watching the lesson video will offer a deeper understanding of this topic.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

  1. Comprehend what RFPs are on the Superteam platform.
  2. Understand the process of applying for and completing RFPs successfully.
  3. Recognize the advantages of starting with RFPs on Superteam from my personal experience.

Lesson Video:

What are RFPs on Superteam?

  • RFPs on Superteam are requests for specific tasks or contributions needed by the platform or its partners like Anchor, Wormhole, Solana Foundation, Solana Labs, and others​​.
  • They offer a wide range of tasks, suitable for different skill sets, making them accessible to a diverse group of users (developers and non-developers).

Superteam RFP Process:

  1. Browse and Select:
    • Explore the list of open RFPs and identify those that match your skills and interests​​.
  2. Apply for the RFP:
    • Apply through the provided application form, and if necessary, submit any work you have already completed.
  3. Complete the Task:
    • If your application is accepted, complete the task by the given deadline and submit it for review.
  4. Claim Your Reward:
    • Once your submission is verified and approved, claim your payment as outlined in the acceptance email​​.
superteam open RFPs screenshot by Solomon Foskaay
superteam open RFPs screenshot by Solomon Foskaay

Guidelines for Success:

  • Choose RFPs that fit your skill set and where you can successfully deliver.
  • Engage actively with the Superteam community for guidance and feedback, as it can significantly increase your chances of success​​.

My Personal Experience:

  • I advise starting with RFPs as they help build a reputation within the Superteam community. This reputation can be crucial when applying for grants later.
  • RFP on Superteam is essential because it is easier to get approved for a beginner to the platform with no previous proof of delivery as long as you can prove that you are capable of delivering it. Unlike Grant which is harder.
  • Unlike bounties, RFPs ensure payment upon successful completion without the uncertainty of competition.
  • I personally also prefer it to Bouties because I don’t actually have to do the work with uncertainty. What I mean is that for Bounty, you deliver but not sure you will win anything because 10,20,50 or more other people may participate in the bounty as well and only about 1 to 5 people usually end up winning anything.
  • Compared to RFP, you do not do the work with the uncertainty of winning, you simply apply first, once approved, you get to work and are sure that when the work is delivered, you will get paid because no one is competing with you. If they need just 1-5 people, once they approve the 1-5 first eligible applicants. Others will be rejected or the RFP marked as completed and unavailable for further application. This is a big advantage as to why I like RFP over Bounty on Superteam.
  • Compared to a grant, an RFP is still easier for beginners. If applying for a grant, you are not sure if what you intend to do will be seen as worth giving a grant for but RFP means they are already in need of it and request you apply if you can get it done. The only reason you get rejected for an RFP is either because the slot is all taken or you couldn’t prove reasonably your capability to deliver the RFP.

HINT To Confirm If RFP Is Truly Available For Application or Not:

The RFP application form is the ultimate place to confirm if the RFP is actually still available or not, even if you see an RFP as open but in the application form, it is not in the list of available RFPs for you to select and apply for.

It simply means the RFP has closed but they have not updated it on the RFP page yet (it does take a longtime for them to update that page – some times unupdated for months).

My Superteam RFP Earning Proof:

The first-ever earning I got from Superteam was for a $100 RFP on 10th July 2023 (6 months later, I went from that to getting a grant up to $10,000 December 2023 (see proof under grant lesson) – proofing that Superteam is real, you just need to start small to proof yourself and earn trust that you are for real and not there to scam the platform without delivering)

Superteam $100 RFP won by Foskaay images 1
Screenshot of first Superteam RFP won by Foskaay images 1
Screenshot of Superteam RFPs won by Foskaay images 2
Screenshot of Superteam RFPs won by Foskaay images 2


RFPs on Superteam are a great way to start your journey, especially if you are new to the platform.

They offer a straightforward process to earn while contributing valuable work and proof for accessing future grants.


If you need help with this lesson, questions, suggestions and improvement. The best way to get help is to use the comment below:
1. First check existing comments if your questions have been answered before posting.
2. If no existing related question with an answer, then you can post a new one (kindly avoid duplicating previously asked and answered questions).

NOTE: This is the most recommended way of getting support directly from the instructor of this course. Posting on other platforms like Discord may get support from other community members and not from the course instructor directly.

Images|Videos|Links: To support your question with a screenshot, Github repo link or other media, kindly upload it somewhere online like Drive/Dropbox or Github (for codes) first, then post the link to it in your comment. Please do not upload media/codes directly, it may fail or cause your comment to be deleted.

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Hello sir. Really amazing course!

I just have a few questions. For the core community call that you did, was it typed in Word software or on GitHub? Because I saw that on GitHub, the transcription was in a code option that was kind of confusing to me.

In the application for the core community call RFP, a question was asked: Tell us why you would be the right person for this RFP.” How do I answer this question as a beginner?

A guide or sample of your work would go a long way. So, we can arrange it in a similar pattern you used and qualify for our transcription to be accepted.

Thank you.

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) December 23, 2023 at 8:40 pm

1) I typed directly in Github(if you are a developer, then should be able to clone the repo, create new branch, transcribed and when done push as PR)

(2) This is an example of the Solana Call community call transcription I got approved for then . It is text and not code.

(3) In the application for the core community call RFP, a question was asked: Tell us why you would be the right person for this RFP.” How do I answer this question as a beginner?
You need to proof you have the skill to deliver quality transcription for such a technical video and show proof of your expereince either as a transcriptor or as a developer.

(4) I did not drop my own proposal based on past experinces, too many lazy people around that will not even read nor edit and just copy-paste and submit which will be bad for all.

NOTE: When applying ensure you got access to recent video for the community call that hav not be transcribed yet. You show in the RFP that is the specific one you like to transcribe because it does not exist yet. Most of the ones listed on the RFP page are aready done.

Hint: Check Solana official youtube video channel to dig out any recent version they did but yet to be transcribed

Wishing you the best

So I want to transcribe a community call and my first question is
1. In the “Select RFP” box there were no “Community Call” option so as to indicate what RFP submission I want to apply for.

2. How do I do the transcription because I have already downloaded the available ones that aren’t yet transcribed, I would like to know if I should use Google docs?

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) December 28, 2023 at 11:06 am

This lesson content was updated a few days ago to include the answer to your question under the section “HINT To Confirm If RFP Is Truly Available For Application or Not” – Kindly check it out.

From that section, it is clear that even though there are community calls videos that are yet to be transcribed. The team behind it seems to see no need for them to be transcribed again, so they removed it from the RFP drop-down list (even though you see it as open on the RFP page, it is now actually closed because the dropdown list is the ultimate place to know if RFP is available or not because it is where you apply for it)

Okay Sir, Noted

Thanks so much sir. So I tried adding my name and the solana core community call in my application but the option wasn’t there. What do I do? I’ve attached a video recording of it.

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) December 24, 2023 at 12:43 pm

Well done on taking action with the course if keep the pace up you will start earning in Superteam soon.

I watched your video and here are the answers to the questions you asked in the above video:
(1) What to put in the name section?
You should skip and put your Discord username in the next line for Discord. The name option is only for Superteam members. When you become a Superteam member, your name will appear in that search box.

(2) The “Solana Core Community Call” is not on the RFP list
Oh, sorry it means they are no longer accepting submission for it but did not update it to DONE in the RFP list.
That means you can’t apply for it anymore.

Okay thanks. I’ll look for other RFPs that are non-developer friendly.

Good day Sir, I tried to select the RFP indicated by red arrow here “Solana Call Community Core” as shown in the image here
When I want to select it under the drop down menu in the application form these are what I saw
Please how do I go about it.

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) December 24, 2023 at 2:08 pm

Yes, I understood your question and I replied to your previous quest that when you search for it in the form and not found, then it miss it is no more available to apply for. Even though they did not update it on the RFP page from “Open” to “Done”.
The RFP application form is the ultimate, even if you see an RFP as open but in the application form it is not in the list of available RFP it means it has closed but they did not update it on the RFP page.

Alright thanks.

Hi Coach, from your experience on the Super team platform, what would you suggest are the core skills needed to enhance my earnings on the super team platform? Please, share few.

Also, during this phase as a beginner, can i leverage my existing networks to deliver projects or tasks on the platform. Like i saw a video editing task, and i have a friend who is very skilful in video editing. Can i use his portfolio of successful job(s) to apply and contract the tasks to him afterwards.

And apply similar approach to other RFP’s, projects, tasks etc…pending the time i master some of the common in demand skills on the platform.

Would this approach be considered ethical? Though, it’s a form of consulting but Just needed to be sure to be on a safer side.

Thanks as always!

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) December 25, 2023 at 8:18 am

(1) Core skills to earn on Superteam
I have done a dedicated lesson for this showing skills to increase your earnings on Superteam. Kindly check that.

(2) I will advise you to only apply for what your skill can deliver except if you discuss it with the other person.
For example when I got approved for $2,000 Developer content. I had to engage my graphic designer to design a professional banner for the article which cost me just about $10. That’s still a welcome idea because I end up doing 100% of the work like writing the article guide, turning it into a recorded video, editing and upload on YouTube and then specifically telling my graphic designer the type of illustration to do for the content that aligns with the message am trying to pass across with the content.

In such a case even if my graphic designer failed, my delivery will not be affected because they are not concerned about how pro-looking my content banner was, Superteam is concerned about the actual content (article + video), any other thing is considered extra including the graphics (also I may just use ChatGPT or Other Ai to generate my banner and still looks pro).

In Summary, don’t take a grant that a large percentage of the delivery will rest on another person unless you invite the person, tell them about the grant, and amount and share accordingly so they know they are responsible too to ensure delivery.

Also, you don’t want another person to later join the platform and claim you have been using his/her work without their consent to get a huge grant and pay them pennies when you do nothing or little to contribute to the delivery of the grant.

My graphic designer can not claim that today or tomorrow because 100% of the work was completed by me and his work is just to add non-mandated extra to my grant delivery. He is a graphic designer, not a programmer, and the content I got grant approved for was for programming not graphics design task.

Thank you for the clarifications. Well acknowledged!

User Avatar Oluwaseun Adefieto March 1, 2024 at 1:52 pm

Thanks a lot for this eye opener.

Please can you recommend where someone can learn some of this skills needed.

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) March 1, 2024 at 7:52 pm

The skill you will earn most from is Web3 development and you can start with beginner friendly curriculum for dPU Bootcamp at

Good morning. Well so far I have applied for the twitter trend on bounty and the result will be announced on 15th, though I saw an RFP kn DeFi policy but my problem is they require video presentation or making a video in some part of the project, honestly that’s where I’m having problem just don’t know how to make videos and I also don’t have the equipment like you do. Reason I am considering this RFP is because I am currently in a DeFi talent program in frankfort school of blockhain studies. Please I need your kind advice. Thanks Sir

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) January 6, 2024 at 10:58 am

Weldone on your attempts.

(1) Only apply for an RFP that you have the skill to deliver.

(2) Making videos is a skill you can learn with just a few hours on YouTube and practice. You don’t need expensive equipment to start. Most smartphones can do the work. In fact, I still record my videos using a smartphone camera connected to my PC and a microphone.

(3) Also, remember you can attempt a grant if you have the skill to deliver anything grant-worthy (Please I don’t give more details on this except for students that make it to Phase 2 of the dPU students challenge which gain access to my private mentorship to earn $1,000 on superteam)

I get it. Thanks for your feedback.

Good day sir. I discovered that there’s no more $100 RFP’s and I really want to take one. I have tried all I could to see if there’s O level projects here a beginner could take but it seems all of them have been taken or done by someone else. What else should I do?

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) January 6, 2024 at 1:55 pm

As you continue in this course you discover other options to earn on Superteam aside FRP.

That is why you should enrol and take all other Web3 development courses seriously/dedicatedly in the dPU Bootcamp to go from 0 (zero) level skills to having a hot in-demand web3 development skill to earn better in web3.

Also, remember you can attempt a grant if you have the skill to deliver anything grant-worthy (Please I don’t give more details on this except for students that make it to Phase 2 of the dPU students challenge which gain access to my private mentorship to earn $1,000 on superteam)

Thank you so much sir, I really appreciate. I promise to make it to the phase 2 of this program. I must earn any amount to make it to that phase.

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) January 8, 2024 at 12:22 pm

Yeah. Keep it up and you soon start earning in web3 with Superteam

Thank you Foskay for this course, I’m a beginner and all the listed RFPs are quite strange to me, any help you can do so someone like me can take the opportunity the superteam gives?

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) January 8, 2024 at 12:50 pm

If you don’t see anyRFP to do, check Bounties and Also, remember you can attempt a grant if you have the skill to deliver anything grant-worthy (Please I don’t give more details on this except for students that make it to Phase 2 of the dPU students challenge which gain access to my private mentorship to earn $1,000 on superteam)

NOTE: If you don’t have any dev-related skill yet to earn on Superteam, that’s not an issue as long as you are ready to give it what it takes to acquire a new skill which is ensuring you enrol and diligently take all the courses that are been released for web3 development in the dPU 100 days Ai-enhanced web3 development Bootcamp.
At the end of the 100 days, you will have web3 dev skills to start earning better in Web3 and on Superteam.

User Avatar Abbas Abdulrahaman August 9, 2024 at 11:07 pm

Good morning Sir, do RFPs still exist please? Tried accessing the link but it’s not working.

Solomon Foskaay (Administrator) August 10, 2024 at 8:30 am

It seems its no more. I seem to expect it too because for about 6 months ago, the RFPs page has not been updated.

So, the available options now are the Bounties and Grants.

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