Live Miners Earning dPUT Cryptocurrency:
dProgrammingUniversity.com Team strive for transparency considering the fact that the activities on this platform affect every holder of the utility token. Due to the fact that it controls how many dPUT eventually get mined on the platform and minted to the actual Blockchain as a claimed reward. All these dPUT will eventually add to the Total Supply until the Maximum Supply of 100Billion dPUT is mined and minted into the Blockchain.
Below are live activities earning members dPUT utility cryptocurrency (you can report any irregular activities to the team for check here):
We sometimes, from to time set up some test accounts to test out features which may include earning but that will not be withdrawable like testaccount1, dPutWallet, Foskaay, ElizabethFoskaay – others will be added if created –
Any account(s) aside from those mentioned here (above) is not created nor controlled by the core team and should be reported immediately if spotted engaging in irregular activities and you surely get a bounty reward for genuine outcome only – false alarm gets no reward.