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[Solved] How To Get Free Metis From Metis Testnet Faucet

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i. Watch the above lesson video and also read through the recommended resources. Then, answer the following questions

ii. How To Get Free Metis From Metis Testnet Faucet?

iii. Summarize in your own word in this forum below:
(NOTE: please, don't just copy-paste from other students - instead answer in your own word based on your level of understanding the lesson and resources)





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How To Get Free Metis From Metis Testnet Faucet Explained:

STEP 1- Setup Rinkeby Layer 1 Network In Metamask
i. Open your Metamask

ii. Click "Show/Hide Test Networks" at the top of network options dropdown menu

iii. You will be taking to a setting page - put the option ON and all testnetworks that was previously hiden and came by default with Metamask will become visible
Show test networks
Select this to show test networks in network list

iv. Go back to networks and select "Rinkeby Test Network" as yur active network


STEP 2- Claim Free Test ETH On Rinkeby Faucet To Pay For Transaction Later On:
i. Go to

ii. Signin with Your Twitter Account

iii. Copy and Paste Your Metamask Wallet Address into the box

iv. Mark "drip to other network"

v. Click "Claim"

vi. If you get message like "Token dispatched - check balance shortly....." -
Congrats you got test ETH to pay transaction gas fees moving forward


STEP 3- Claim Free Metis Token Via Rinkeby Layer 1 Testnet Metis Faucet
i. Go to

ii. Under "Get Metis on Rinkeby Network" click "Get"

iii. Approve the request in your Metamask which should have been set to "Rinkeby Test Network" from STEP1 above

iv. A Message will show "Start Asking" It means you have requested for the Metis and its processing

v. Wait till it changes to "transaction Successfully Completed" and you move to next step below


STEP 4- Check Claimed Free Metis Token In Metamask
i. Go to Metamask

ii. Click "Assets" you will likely not see the Metis (we need to add it manually first)

iii. Click Don't See Your Token? "Import Tokens"

iv. Fill the details as follow and metamask will auto fill the rest if the address is currect (but all here incase it does not, then fill them all manually yourself)
Token Contract Address: 0xe552fb52a4f19e44ef5a967632dbc320b0820639
Token Symbol: METIS
Token Decimal: 18

v. Click "Add Custom Token"

vi. Click "Import Tokens"

v. That is it, you will see that you now have the amount of Metis claimed from the faucet is now visible under Assets
As at when this was writen, the faucet would credit your account with "2 Metis"
(but things would reduce as Metis gain more exposure - so, if you get less than that, you are still good to go)
