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[Solved] Solidity Functions By Call Visibility and Accessibility

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i. Write a Solidity Smart Contract named anything of choice to ensure each students post is unique below


ii. Use the 4 functions above to do the follow per each function (google, re-watch previous videos if you have too):

1- "Add Balance",

2- "Check Balance",

3- "Transfer To Another Wallet",

4- "Print Out This Word Below" - You can change the "Mum" to Dad,Friend,Pal,Pet etc that mean something to you       achieving this:
- "Mum I Finally Did It As Web3 Smart Contract Programmer- My Smart Contract Can Add Balance, Check                   Balance and Transfer Funds"


iii. Post your code in this forum:

(NOTE: please, don't go and copy paste from other students in the forum, try things on your own, so you can master it yourself)





This Is An Exercise From Our FREE Smart Contract Development With Solidity For Beginners Course (If you have not enrolled yet, you can join the course totally for FREE).


1 Answer
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Functions In Solidity By Call Visibility and Accessibility are:

1. Public

- accept calls from Smart Contract, Services and Platforms like IDE (Remix, VS code etc)


2. Private

- accept call from within its smart contract codes ONLY But does not keep the function content private,
so don't use to keep any secret data in your SC


3. Internal

- accept call from ONLY inherited smart contract from it (Like parent to child relationship)


4. External

- accept call from ONLY external Smart Contracts and may sometimes ignore calls from any Services and Platforms like IDE (Remix, VS code etc)
