How-To-Create-Crypto-Token-On-BSC-In-5-Minutes-With-Moralis images

How To Create Crypto Token On BSC In 5 Minutes With Moralis [+Example Codes]

Full step by step guide on How To Create A Crypto Token On Binance Smart Chain (BSC) In 5 Minutes With Moralis with the source code available for you to copy and reuse for free to master the process of creating tokens even on the Ethereum Blockchain.


How To Create Crypto Token On BSC In 5 Minutes With Moralis Answered Step by Step Guide


SECTION A: Text-Based Answer

STEP 1: First you need to understand what is BSC token  (Watch the full video below to understand how the BSC token works)

create a crypto token on BSC images STEP 01


STEP 2: Create Moralis Account (Still free as at the time this was published)

create a crypto token on BSC images STEP 02


STEP 3: Setup Binance Smart Chain (BSC) Testnet using Moralis Speedy Nodes

create a crypto token on BSC images STEP 03


STEP 4: Get Free BNB from the BNB Faucet (BNB Testnet Faucet) to deploy your crypto token on BSC for free (watch video below for more details)

create a crypto token on BSC images STEP 04


STEP 5: Setup Additional Metamask Web3 Legacy Chrome Extension (optional – and its not official Metamask and you should never put in your private key or secret keys or seed phrase)

create a crypto token on BSC images STEP 05


STEP 6: Time to use a free online Solidity IDE – Go to Remix

create a crypto token on BSC images STEP 06


STEP 7: Create a folder and file to put your crypto token smart contract code in

create a crypto token on BSC images STEP 07


STEP 8: Copy the ERC20 (BEP20) token Smart contract source code from section C below and paste inside the Remix IDE (Watch video below for help) file you created in step above

create a crypto token on BSC images STEP 08


STEP 9: Replace the token name, token ticker and amount of token to mint on the BCS Blockchain.

create a crypto token on BSC images STEP 09


STEP 10: Ensure Everything is well compiled by the IDE and no error

create a crypto token on BSC images STEP 10


STEP 11: Time to deploy using the option “Inject Web3” in Remix and connect your Metamask wallet with the free testnet BNB in it to pay for transactions

create a crypto token on BSC images STEP 11


STEP 12: Select the Smart contract name and Click “Deploy”

create a crypto token on BSC images STEP 12


STEP 13: Approve the transaction in your Metamask

create a crypto token on BSC images STEP 13


STEP 14: Once completed, click the transaction and view it on BSCscan Testnet

create a crypto token on BSC images STEP 14


STEP 15: Congratulations, you have successfully create a token on BSC (Binance Smart Chain) Blockchain

create a crypto token on BSC images STEP 15


STEP 16: Time to add it to show in your Metamask which shows the beauty of Moralis Speedy Nodes used earlier. Just add the new token smart contract address and Moralis and Metamask will auto detect the token name, ticker and digits.

create a crypto token on BSC images STEP 16


STEP 17: Click Add token to complete it

create a crypto token on BSC images STEP 17


STEP 18: Its time for How To Transfer Crypto Token After Creating It. Click Transfer/Send JTFMI (thats the name of the same token I created for you in this guide – watch video)

create a crypto token on BSC images STEP 18


STEP 19: Put another BSC/ETH Wallet address and try send atleast 10% of the total supply of token created (in this sample I created 10Million JTFMI tokens and sent 1Million JTFMI – yours can be different based on your total supply minted token on BSC).

create a crypto token on BSC images STEP 19


STEP 20: Approve the BNB transaction fee paid from the free BNB faucet you got earlier

create a crypto token on BSC images STEP 20


STEP 21: Check the transaction on BSCscan and once successful – Hurray – we have not just create a crypto token but now also able to transfer between different wallets on BSC!!!

create a crypto token on BSC images STEP 21


STEP 22: Check both wallet and you will discover that the main wallet now has 9Million JTFMI tokens left after the transfer and the second wallet we sent to now has 1Million JTFMI which could be send also to any other wallet or trade on exchange (watchout for my guide on listing this created crypto token on an exchange.

create a crypto token on BSC images STEP 22


STEP 23: Congrats you now created your first crypto token on BSC in just 5 minutes with the help of OpenZepplin ERC20 token smart contract and Moralis Speedy Nodes.

create a crypto token on BSC images STEP 23


STEP 24: Practice and practice first for free using BSC Testnet before you deploy to BSC Mainnet which will cost you just about 0.01BNB (valued at $7 at the time of publishing this article, it may have increase significantly after that)


SECTION B: Video-Based Answer

Watch me answering your question “How To Create Crypto Token On BSC In 5 Minutes With Moralis” in a video step by step:


SECTION C: Source Code For Above Answer

Copy and use the example of How To Create Crypto Token On BSC In 5 Minutes With Moralis below for free:


Source code Hidden Because You Are Not A Member – Don’t Worry, Membership is Free and the source code will be available FREE once you login.


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